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Day 1 April 26, 2023

8:00 - 8:15AM

Welcome and Introductions

Phil Roycraft

Trish Confer

8:15 - 9:00 AM

Part 115 Update

EGLE’s Materials Management Division Director and the Executive Director of the Michigan Recycling Coalition will discuss the legislation revitalizing Michigan’s solid waste statute that was signed into law at the end of December 2022.  This discussion will focus on a new way of thinking about end-of-life materials; it is a change to a holistic materials management approach instead of disposing of materials.

Kerrin O'Brien

Elizabeth Browne

9:30 - 10:30 AM

Materials Management Facilities – Financial Assurance Requirements and Grant Funding for Beneficial Use of Wastes and Other By-Products

EGLE’s Materials Management staff will discuss the new financial assurance requirements because of the legislation revitalizing Michigan’s solid waste statute signed into law at the end of December 2022. Grant funding for beneficial use of wastes and other by-products will also be discussed.

Katriena Guilmette

Matt Flechter

11:00 AM - 12:00PM

Landfill Functional Stability 

In this session Waste Management staff will discuss landfill functional stability stability as required by the legislation revitalizing Michigan’s solid waste statute that was signed into law at the end of December 2022.   This discussion will focus on the foundation for determining when landfill Post Closure Care (PCC) systems (i.e., groundwater monitoring, leachate management, landfill gas management, and final cover maintenance) have demonstrated stability to the point where only minimal maintenance is necessary going forward to protect human health and the environment (HHE).  The goal of the Evaluating Post Closure Care (EPCC) process is to provide regulators a technical basis to confidently approve optimizing PCC systems over time and, ultimately, end PCC.  These goals can only be achieved in accordance with an agency-approved EPCC Plan that clarifies when performance-based evaluations have demonstrated the landfill is stable, secure, and will be protective of HHE for the long term.  The primary purpose of the EPCC Plan is to describe the monitoring data and analyses required to evaluate potential modification or termination of one or more PCC systems in accordance with the EPCC process.

Louis Bull

Day 2 April 27, 2023

8:00 - 8:15AM

Welcome and Introductions

Trish Confer

Phil Roycraft


8:15 - 9:15AM

New County Planning Laws – Now What?

Learn about your current county solid waste management plans and how they will be utilized until new materials management plans (MMP) are created now that the new law is in effect. Further, EGLE will discuss the benefits of working together for future MMP development, new requirements, and what steps should be taken now.

Christina Miller

9:45 - 10:45AM

Our Journey Towards Zero: The Kent County Sustainable Business Park

In this session, Kent County will discuss sustainability as the legislation revitalizing Michigan’s solid waste statute that was signed into law at the end of December 2022 and will become effective at the end of March 2023.  This discussion will include the vision of the Kent County Sustainability Park.

Dar Baas

11:15AM - 12:15PM

Landfill Gas Management Updates 

Attendees will get updates on landfill gas management as the legislation revitalizing Michigan’s solid waste statute that was signed into law at the end of December 2022 and will become effective at the end of March 2023.  This discussion will include current landfill gas requirements, as well as landfill gas changes that apply to different landfill sizes and types.

Tim Unseld


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