Registration - Breakfast and Visit with Exhibitors
Visit Exhibitors
Welcome and Introduction
Coast Guard Great Lakes Center of Expertise for Oil Spill Response
Jerry Popeil, USCG
11 - 11:45AM
Session 3:
breakout sessions
Preparedness and Mitigation
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) Emergency Response Division: Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA) and Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) updates
Rachel Pryor, NOAA
Initial Response
Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development's (MDARD) Spill Response Program - Technical advisors for agricultural spills
Mike Wozniak & Jack Knorek, MDARD
Response and Recovery
Lansing Fire Department, HAZMAT Team
Capt. Ronald Hagaman, Lansing Fire Department
Session 4:
Lunch / Visit exhibitors
1:15 - 2PM
Session 5:
Breakout sessions
Preparedness and Mitigation
Benton Harbor I-94 Business Loop Flood Mitigation Due to High Lake Levels
Mark Pribak, Wade Trim
Initial Response
Regional and National Response Team Overview
Jerry Popeil, USCG
Jay Eickholt, EGLE
Response and Recovery
Michigan Debris and Hazardous Material Staging and Disposal Rules and Requirements
Rhonda Oyer, EGLE,
Jim Ferrito, EGLE
Session 6:
Break / Visit exhibitors
2:30 - 3:15 PM
breakout sessions
Preparedness and Mitigation
Emergency Action Plans – Don’t Panic: Be Prepared
John Kosnak, NTH Consultants
Initial Response
Michigan Coastal Management Program Pathway to Resilience
Adam Arend, EGLE
Response and Recovery
Electroplating "Green Ooze" Site on I-696 Response and Long-term Recovery
Tricia Edwards, EPA
Joe DeGrazia, EGLE
3:30 - 4:15 PM
Session 7:
breakout sessions
Preparedness and Mitigation
Decoding Tier ll Reports and Emergency Planning under SARA Title lll
Mike Young, EGLE
Initial Response
Threats and Opportunities – Intensifying Coordination and Crisis Communications Efforts in 2022 and Beyond
Ryan Wilkinson, Eaton County EM
Response and Recovery
A Case Study of a Biocide Release into a Stream
Kelly Tuttle, CTEH
Day 2 June 30, 2022
Session 9:
8:00 - 9:00
7:30 - 8:30
Registration and Breakfast and Visit with Exhibitors
Opening Plenary
Director Liesl Eichler Clark, EGLE
10 - 10:45AM
breakout sessions
Preparedness and Mitigation
Simulating a Dam Breach Evacuation for Risk Informed Decision Making
Emily Campbell, Geosyntec
Initial Response
CHEMTREC’s Role During Hazmat and Environmental Emergencies
Joe Milazzo, Chemtrec
Response and Recovery
Air Quality Division's Role in Emergency Response
Jon Lamb, EGLE
11 - 11:45AM
Session 12:
breakout sessions
Special Presentation
Planning for Natural Disaster Debris to Increase Community Resiliency
Melissa Kaps, EPA
Preparedness and Mitigation
Climate Driven Disasters Part 1 – Role of State Health Departments
Aaron Ferguson, MDHHS
Julia Field, MDHHS
Initial Response
DNR Wildland Fire Response
Paul Rogers, DNR
Jennifer Wolf, DNR
Response and Recovery
Flat Rock Gasoline Release and Recovery
Tricia Edwards, EPA
Joe DeGrazia, EGLE
11:45 AM
Session 13:
Lunch / Visit exhibitors
1:15 - 2PM
Session 16:
Breakout sessions
Preparedness and Mitigation
Climate Driven Disasters Part 2 – Role of Local Health Departments
Tom Barnes, Macomb County Health Department
Initial Response
Crisis Playbook- Coordination and Accountability
Nick Bonstell, SEMCO Energy
Response and Recovery
Gladwin County Dam Failure Response and Recovery
Dan DeVaun, EGLE
Bob North, Gladwin County EM
Jay Eickholt, EGLE
2:15 - 3PM
Session 16:
Breakout sessions
Preparredness and Mitigation
EOP, EOC, ICS, Oh My! How to Incorporate all Subject Matter Experts into the Process
Allison Farole, City of Grand Rapids
Initial Response
Chemical Security and the First Responder
David Schmidt, Department of Homeland Security
Response and Recovery
Response to Lithium Battery Emergencies
Gary Sharp, Hazard 3
3:15 - 4PM
Session 16:
Breakout sessions
Preparedness and Mitigation
Hazardous Waste Contingency Planning & Training - Are you prepared for an emergency?
Jonathan Vruggink, EGLE
Initial Response
PFAS Response & Investigations in Northern Kent County
Karen Vorce, EGLE
Dave Wierzbicki, EGLE
Response and Recovery
EPA’s Disaster Debris Recovery Tool
Jon Gulch, EPA
Tricia Edwards, EPA
Session 17:
Conference Adjourns
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