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Preliminary Agenda

Day 1 - Tuesday, April 22

11:30 AM – Registration and visit Resource Tables
1:00 PM – Welcome and Keynote: The Road to 2030
1:30 PMPillar 1: Commit to Environmental Justice and pursue a just transition
                 Pillar 1 Lightning Talk
1:50 PMPillar 2: Clean the electric grid
                 Pillar 2 Lightning Talk
2:10 PMPillar 3: Electrify vehicles and increase public transit
                 Pillar 3 Lightning Talk
2:30 PMNetworking Break
2:50 PMPillar 4: Repair and decarbonize homes and businesses
                 Pillar 4 Lightning Talk
3:10 PMPillar 5: Drive clean innovation in industry
                 Pillar 5 Lightning Talk
3:30 PMPillar 6: Protect Michigan’s land and water
                  Pillar 6 Lightning Talk
3:50 PMPlenary Session
5:00 PMNetworking Reception

Day 2 - Wednesday, April 23

7:45 AM – Registration and breakfast (Resource Tables & MHC Corps Showcase)
8:45 AM – Welcome Day 2 – Emcee
8:50 AM – Lightning Talks
9:15 AM – Plenary Session
9:30 AMNetworking Break
9:45 AM – Breakout Sessions (Breakout 1, Breakout 2, Breakout 3)
10:45 AMNetworking Break
10:55 AM – Breakout sessions continue
11:55 AMNetworking Lunch and visit Resource Tables/MHC Corps Showcase
1:15 PM – Afternoon breakout sessions
2:15 PMNetworking Break
2:25 PM – Final breakout sessions
3:25 PM – Move to closing session
3:35 PMClosing Plenary Session
4:00 PM – Adjourn

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