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The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) held their 2022 (Virtual) Upper Peninsula Materials Management Forum on March 15-16, 2022.  The forum focused on the latest solid waste management and recycling issues, with a targeted interest in the Upper Peninsula.  The goal of the U.P. Materials Management Forum is to establish best management practices, waste reuse, and economic development in the Upper Peninsula and throughout Michigan.


-Coming Soon!

EGLE Updates, Elizabeth Browne, EGLE 

Rural Development Solid Waste Management Grants, Christopher Adamchak, US Department of Agriculture  

Lithium Batteries and Landfill and Recycling Center Fires – Public Awareness and Fire Risk and Prevention, Brad Austin, MCSWMA and Ryan Fogelman, Fire Rover 

Encapsulation of PFAS from Landfill Leachate, Paul Ruehl, LafargeHolcim 

Sustainable and Recycling Materials Management Updates, Steve Noble and Matt Flechter, EGLE  

Michigan Tax Exemptions for Water Pollution Control Facilities under NREPA, Larry Steckelberg, Department of Treasury and Phillip DePetro, EGLE 

Calcium Carbonate Reactive Barrier Pilot Study (Limestone Trench) – Wood Island LF, Eric Bradfish, REI Engineering 


Day 1 March 15, 2022

8:00 - 8:15AM

Welcome and Introductions

Phil Roycraft

8:15 - 9:00 AM

EGLE Updates

Elizabeth Browne

9:30 - 10:15 AM

Rural Development Solid Waste Management Grants

Christopher Adamchak

10:45 - 11:45AM

Lithium Batteries and Landfill and Recycling Center Fires – Public Awareness and Fire Risk and Prevention

Brad Austin

Ryan Fogelman

12:15 - 1:15PM

Encapsulation of PFAS from Landfill Leachate

Paul Ruehl

Day 2 March 16, 2022

8:00 - 8:15AM

Welcome and Introductions

Phil Roycraft

8:15 - 9:15AM

Sustainable and Recycling Materials Management Updates

Steve Noble

Matt Flechter

9:45 - 10:30AM

Michigan Tax Exemptions for Water Pollution Control Facilities under NREPA

Larry Steckelberg

Phillip DePetro

11:00 - 11:45AM

Calcium Carbonate Reactive Barrier Pilot Study (Limestone Trench) – Wood Island LF

Eric Bradfish

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