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Travis Bauer

Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
Travis Bauer
  • Travis Bauer

    Travis Bauer is a Geologist for the State of Michigan.  He works in the Source Water Unit of Drinking Water and Environmental Health Division at the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy.  Travis has a Bachelor’s of Science in Geology from Michigan State University, and is a Graduate student at Ohio University.  Today Travis will be talking about Wellhead Protection Areas,  methods of delineation, and some of the State’s expectations regarding wellhead protection area submittals.

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Jason Berndt

Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
Jason Berndt
  • Jason Berndt

    Jason Berndt graduated from Central Michigan University with degrees in Natural Resource Management and Public Administration.  He has worked for EGLE for 22 years in the Community Water supply program as a drinking water analyst with the last 14 years working in source water protection.  He currently administers the state source water grant program and performs various duties in the protection and assessment of drinking water sources serving public water systems.     


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James Brode, CPG

Senior Project Manager
Fleis and Vandenbrink Engineering
James Brode, CPG
  • James Brode, CPG

    Jim Brode is a Senior Project Manager with Fleis and Vandenbrink Engineering, Inc. He holds a BS and MS in Geology from Western Michigan University. He is a Certified Professional Geologist and has been a consulting hydrogeologist for 38 years. His work has generally been in the areas of water supply development, groundwater protection and remediation. Jim has significant experience in dealing with the issues of emerging contaminants, particularly 1,4-dioxane, and has been involved in several PFAS projects.

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Tucker Burch, Ph.D.

Research Agricultural Engineer
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Resource Service
Tucker Burch, Ph.D.
  • Tucker Burch, Ph.D.

    Dr. Tucker Burch is a Research Agricultural Engineer with USDA’s Agricultural Research Service in Marshfield, Wisconsin. His research program is focused on waterborne infectious disease and quantitative microbial risk assessment. Most recently, Dr. Burch has worked on studies related to management of livestock manure and municipal biosolids, risk assessment for drinking water from contaminated private wells in northeast Wisconsin, and risk assessment for waterborne pathogens in public wells across Minnesota. He received a B.S. from Marquette University in 2009 and a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 2013. Both degrees are in civil and environmental engineering.

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Hillary Caron

City of Grand Rapids Water System
Hillary Caron
  • Hillary Caron

    Hillary Caron (M.S.) is a Chemist and Environmental Educator with the City of Grand Rapids Water System at the Lake Michigan Filtration Plant. She has been in the drinking water field with the City of Grand Rapids for five years. Hillary is passionate about ensuring safe, clean drinking water for all human life and believes that promoting awareness, empowerment, and community action through water education is the best way to solve complex water issues. When not in the laboratory, Hillary volunteers as Youth Education Co-Chair for the Michigan American Water Works Association and is a state facilitator for Project WET curriculum.

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David DeYoung

Environmental Quality Specialist
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
David DeYoung

Jeff Dietlin

City of Cadillac
Jeff Dietlin

Kris Donaldson

Clean Water Public Advocate
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
Kris Donaldson
  • Kris Donaldson

    Kris Donaldson, P.E., heads the Office of Clean Water Public Advocate with EGLE.   A graduate of Michigan Technological University and a licensed professional engineer, she has over 23 years of civil and environmental engineering experience.  Kris joined the state in 2004  as the district engineer regulating Wayne County water supplies before becoming the district supervisor for the EGLE Warren District office tasked with regulating over 200 public water supplies in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, and St. Clair counties.   She has been the Clean Water Public Advocate since September 2021.

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John Esch

Geology Specialist
John Esch
  • John Esch

    John grew up in the Grand Ledge Michigan area and received his BS in geology from Central Michigan University in 1984. He started out his career in 1984 in the oil industry conducting geophysical surveys and later worked as a “computer geologist” mapping the subsurface of the Michigan Basin including the glacial drift isopach, bedrock topography and assisting in mapping the major faults.

    In 1990, John took a job with the DNR (later DEQ/EGLE) conducting hydrogeologic investigations at contamination sites across the state. From 1998-2006 he worked as project geologist on 12 Superfund sites in Michigan. Since 2006 he has been with the Office of Geological Survey/Oil, Gas & Minerals Division. He formerly chaired the EGLE GIS Committee. John also works part time conducting geologic mapping for the Michigan Geological Survey.  He has volunteered with Lifewater International on groundwater related overseas mission trips. John’s interests include studying the bedrock surface and structural geology of the Michigan Basin, use of the HVSR passive seismic method, LiDAR, and the use of GIS and 3D visualization techniques to help understand surficial and subsurface geology.

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Valarie Handy

Rural Development
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Valarie Handy

Mala C. Hettiarachchi, Ph.D.

Senior Engineer
Environmental Resources Group
Mala C. Hettiarachchi, Ph.D.
  • Mala C. Hettiarachchi, Ph.D.

    Mala C. Hettiarachchi, PhD, PE is a Senior Engineer at Environmental Resources Group and an Assistant Professor (part-time) at Wayne State University. She a licensed professional engineer in Michigan, Indiana, and New York. Her work experience in Germany from 2013 to 2016 included the evaluation of microplastics in wastewater and source reduction via public outreach. Mala views source control and chemical recycling as the most appropriate and sustainable solution in reducing plastic and microplastic pollution. She has been conducting public outreach activities in Michigan on this topic since 2016. Mala has recently created a volunteer non-profit group named "Freshwater conservancy" with the goal and mission of "Spread the word and protect freshwater from plastic pollution."

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Kelly Hon

Source Water Protection Specialist
Michigan Rural Water Association
Kelly Hon
  • Kelly Hon

    Kelly has over 21 years of experience in the water industry. She received a bachelor’s degree from Alma College and a master’s degree from Michigan State University (MSU). Currently, she is the USDA Source Water Protection Specialist with the Michigan Rural Water Association.  She leads local municipalities in planning and proactive analysis of major water issues. She also works to secure thousands of grant dollars for communities interested in planning, managing and protecting their drinking water supplies. She has developed extensive threat analyses to protect public water supply wells, prepared plans for future water supply capacity and emergency response, implemented planning and zoning documentation, helped ensure community compliance with federal and state drinking water regulations and coordinated public education programs. Kelly has worked closely with federal and state agencies to ensure local compliance with regulatory issues. She has also organized professional trainings on key topics facing the water industry and partnered with the federal government to educate on emergency response, preparedness and cybersecurity.

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Ruth Kline-Robach

Outreach Specialist
Michigan State University, Department of Community Sustainability
  • Ruth Kline-Robach

    Ruth Kline-Robach is an outreach specialist with the Michigan State University (MSU) Department of Community Sustainability and Institute of Water Research. She has expertise in community-based water resources management issues and for more than 25 years has provided training programs and technical assistance related to watershed planning, source water protection, and stormwater management. In addition to teaching two undergraduate courses, Ruth works with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy to promote the development of local source water protection programs and coordinates MSU’s federal stormwater permit activities in partnership with communities throughout the Greater Lansing area.

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Montana Krukowski

Montana Krukowski
  • Montana Krukowski

    Montana Krukowski has served with the Contamination Investigation Program since 2017. He earned a Master of Environmental Policy from the University of Michigan and Bachelors in Hydrogeology and Environmental Science from Central Michigan University.  Having lived in the Grand Rapids area his entire life, Montana enjoys taking advantage of all the natural resources Michigan has to offer any time of year.  His dedication to protect the state's environmental and public health continues to grow, as does his interest in helping to create law and and shape policy for the benfit of all Michiganders. 

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Andy LeBaron

Water Use Program
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
Andy LeBaron
  • Andy LeBaron

    Andy LeBaron has worked in EGLE for over 20 years, and over 15 years in the Water Use Program that oversees Michigan’s water withdrawal regulations.  His extensive program history and policy studies make him a good contact for practical questions about water law.  

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Kevin Lund, PE, CPG

Senior Project Manager
The Mannik and Smith Group
Kevin Lund, PE, CPG
  • Kevin Lund, PE, CPG

    Kevin Lund is a Senior Project Manager for The Mannik and Smith Group. He holds a BS in Geological Engineering from MTU. He is a Licensed Environmental Engineer and a Certified Professional Geologist with over 25 years managing private and public sector infrastructure/remediation projects involving contaminated groundwater and soil finding solutions for compliance and safe redevelopment of regulated facilities. Kevin has significant experience working with emerging contaminants preparing documents for EGLE regarding 1,4-dioxane and PFAS risk communication.

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Cary McElhinney

Groundwater and Drinking Water Branch
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5
Cary McElhinney
  • Cary McElhinney

    Cary McElhinney currently serves as the Source Water Protection Coordinator in the Water Division at US EPA's Region 5 Office in Chicago, IL.  For the past 17 years he has led program implementation and information management activities under both Safe Drinking Water Act and Clean Water Act priorities across the Great Lakes Region.  Previously, Cary was at US EPA Headquarters in Washington, DC where he was a project manager for Office of Water information reporting systems.  Cary received his B.S. from the University of Dayton and his M.S. from North Carolina State University.  

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Doug McLaughlin

Kalamazoo River Watershed Council
Doug McLaughlin
  • Doug McLaughlin

    Doug is the Executive Director of the Kalamazoo River Watershed Council. He has over 35 years of experience as a water resources scientist and practitioner. He obtained his Doctor of Philosophy in Land Resources from the Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He also holds a Master of Science degree in Aquatic Biology and a Bachelor of Science in Biological Resources Management from the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay. He worked for 15 years as a Principal Research Scientist at the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc, where he developed national expertise in the science needed to support water quality criteria and standards. Prior to joining NCASI, he was a Senior Scientist for Blasland, Bouck, and Lee, Inc. in Syracuse, New York and DePere, Wisconsin where he was responsible for developing and communicating scientific information to inform contaminated sediment remedial alternatives. Doug is also currently the Founder and President of WaterWays|SEM, L3C, a low-profit limited liability company focused on improving and sustaining water resources through broad stakeholder engagement in water-related science, education, and management activities.

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Eric Oswald

Director, Drinking Water and Environmental Health Division
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
Eric Oswald
  • Eric Oswald

    Eric J. Oswald is director of the Drinking Water and Environmental Health Division (DWEHD) in the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). The division is responsible for program areas related to drinking water, environmental health, operator certification and training, campgrounds, swimming pools, and on-site wastewater.

    With Eric as director, DWEHD implemented Michigan’s Lead and Copper Rule, the nation’s most stringent; established maximum contaminant levels for seven PFAS compounds; and invested $15 million to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the division’s information technology.

    Eric retired as a colonel from the U.S. Air Force in 2017 with 28 years of experience in construction, repair, and maintenance of critical infrastructure. He had served as commander, 110th Mission Support Group, 110th Attack Wing, at W.K. Kellogg Air National Guard Base in Battle Creek. Previous assignments include engineering, environmental compliance, readiness flight commander, chief of maintenance, chief of engineering, squadron commander, and group commander. While in the Air Force, he completed his master’s degree in engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, with thesis research on risk assessment techniques for trichloroethylene. He spent four years overseas.

    Eric also earned a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from Michigan State University.

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Sara Pearson

Source Water Unit Supervisor
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
Sara Pearson
  • Sara Pearson

    Sara Pearson has worked in the environmental field in Michigan for more than 30 years. She is currently the Source Water Unit Supervisor in the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy’s (EGLE) Drinking Water and Environmental Health Division.  She has worked as both a consultant managing contaminated sites for major petroleum companies and industry and as a regulator for EGLE’s remediation and redevelopment and source water programs. Sara’s expertise spans the spectrum of activities related to remediation and redevelopment including extensive hydrogeological investigative, risk evaluation and corrective action experience.  She has considerable experience in policy development, IT and data management, and routinely develops and organizes training for staff and environmental practitioners in the private sector. 

    Sara is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG) and has been an active member of the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) since 1998.  She is AIPG’s National Ethics Committee Chairperson and is a founder and Co-Chair of the Environmental Risk Management AIPG Michigan Workshop.  She is also the Training Program Coordinator for the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council. Sara holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  She earned a Master of Science degree in environmental earth science with a focus in hydrogeology from Western Michigan University in 1994.  She is also a graduate of Michigan State University Extension’s Great Lakes Leadership Academy.  

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Don Petrovich

Plainfield Charter Township
Don Petrovich

Garry Rowe

Garry Rowe
  • Garry Rowe

    Garry Rowe graduated from the University of Arizona and Michigan State University with a B.S. in Agriculture and a M.S. in Soil Science.  After finishing school in 1977, he worked with the U.S. Soil Conservation Service and the Ingham County Soil Conservation District.  Then, in 1980 he began employment with the Ingham County Health Department, Bureau of Environmental Health—positions included sanitarian, program specialist in groundwater protection and a supervisor of the on-site wastewater treatment and well water system programs.  In 2012, he retired from the Health Department. Currently, Garry serves on the Ingham County Board of Health and does volunteer work with the Groundwater Management Board and Groundwater Technical Advisory Committee for Tri-County Regional Planning.  Recreationally he loves photography, playing in a band, singing with a Barber Shop group, and takes long trips on his motorcycle.

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Lauren Schnoebelen

Environmental Sustainability Planner
Tri-County Regional Planning Commission
Lauren Schnoebelen
  • Lauren Schnoebelen

    Originally from Chicago, Lauren Schnoebelen received her Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Northern Michigan University and her Master of Science in Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy from the University of Minnesota. Since joining Tri-County Regional Planning Commission in 2020, she coordinates and facilitated the Groundwater Management Board and its Groundwater Technical Advisory Council to help provide a multi-jurisdictional forum for coordination and cooperation to help assure adequate quantities and qualities of groundwater are available to meet regional needs.

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Ian Smith, Ph.D.

Manager, Emerging Contaminants Unit
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
Ian Smith, Ph.D.
  • Ian Smith, Ph.D.

    Ian joined the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy in 2018, and currently manages the Emerging Contaminants Unit in EGLE’s Drinking Water and Environmental Health Division. This group is concerned with addressing contaminants and issues of emerging concern related to Michigan’s public drinking water and has played a primary role in the administration of EGLE’s statewide public drinking water cyanotoxin and PFAS monitoring over the past four-plus years. Utilizing the information and data gathered during PFAS monitoring, Ian provided input as part of the EGLE team that successfully promulgated Michigan’s PFAS Maximum Contaminant Levels in August 2020. Ian is a graduate of Michigan State University and, prior to his time with EGLE, Ian spent time working as an environmental consultant and as a laboratory research scientist.

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Joel Stokdyk

U.S. Geological Survey
Joel Stokdyk
  • Joel Stokdyk

    Joel Stokdyk is a Biologist for the U.S. Geological Survey Upper Midwest Water Science Center at the Laboratory for Infectious Disease and the Environment where he researchers the occurrence of pathogens in water, air, soil, and manure. His current projects include studies on the occurrence of pathogens in private and public wells and their relationship to land use, well construction, and hydrogeological factors.

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Mark Sweatman

Wood, PLC
Mark Sweatman

Jean Talanda

City of Kalamazoo
Jean Talanda
  • Jean Talanda

    Jean Talanda  receveiver her Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from Michigan State University and her Master of Science degree in Geology from Western Michigan University, 

    While working for the Michigan DNR, she conducted hydrogeological and geophysical investigations for Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites (LUSTs) reviewed hydrogeologic work plans and remediation, amd emergency response primarily in Kalamazoo County. 

    Jean has served as a Senior Hydrogeologist at KIESER & ASSOCIATES, Technical Services Manager at LANDMARK Technologies, Project Manager at RMT, Geologist at Stolz Environmental, and Senior Project Manager for ATC Group Services. During this time she was an Instructor at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, a member of the Land-Use Planning Commission in Alamo Township, and a member of the Groundwater Guardian Team with the City of Kalamazoo.

    Jean is now the Environmental Programs Manager for the City of Kalamazoo, and oversees the stormwater management and wellhead protection programs as well as providing expertise from her background in the environmental field for a host of other City departments, programs and permits.

    Jean's interests as a lifetime resident of Kalamazoo County continue with work toward Wellhead Protection, and Economic Development.

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Lance Wood

Project Manager
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
Lance Wood
  • Lance Wood

    Lance is a project manager working in Kalamazoo District Office of the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy in the Water Infrastructure Funding and Financing Section. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in environmental studies from Central Michigan University. His work involves serving and assisting communities across Michigan obtain funding and financing through the State Revolving Fund programs to aid in drinking water and wastewater system improvements.

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